TalkBank RHDBank


Participant clicks on Cinderella book link and should notice the arrows at the top of the page for advancing through the pages of the book.

“I’m going to ask you to tell a story. Have you ever heard the story of Cinderella?

If answer is no, ask participant to tell a fairy tale s/he knows. If yes, continue:

"Do you remember much about it? These pictures might remind you of how it goes. Take a look at the pictures, and then I’ll put the book away and ask you to tell me the story in your own words.”

Allow participant to scan through pages. If needed, discourage talking while looking through the book by saying:
"Just have a look through the book first and then after you're finished, I'd like to hear you tell the story."

When the participant finishes paging through the book, give this prompt:

“Now tell me as much of the story of Cinderella as you can. You can use any details you know about the story, as well as the pictures you just looked at.” (~ 5 minutes)

If participant gives a response of fewer than 3 utterances, or seems to falter, allow 10 seconds, then prompt:

“What happened next?” or "Go on."

Continue until participant concludes story or has clearly finished. However, if the participant is still telling the story after 5 minutes have elapsed, then prompt:

“Sorry to interrupt, but please try to finish up with the rest of the details of the story so we can get to the other things we still have to do.”

If the participant does not finish after 1 more minute, then prompt:

"Okay, just tell me how the story ends. We have to move on."

Move on next to Procedural Discourse